by HCME -KM Journey
(Kuala Lumpur)
My name is Mohd Azizul Idrus and I'm working as Knowledge Management in HCM Engineering. HCM Engineering Sdn Bhd (HCM) was incorporated in 1991 and is presently registered with Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) with a class A Bumiputra Contracting license.HCM has over the years build up a reliable and efficient pavement team specializing in new pavement construction and rehabilitation works. In HCME, KM launched on 31 October 2002 and voted as its first winner in 2005 for Malaysian Emerging Knowledge Organisation (MEKO) Award.Dato Hasnur Rabiain Ismail, Managing Director/ Chief Knowledge Officer vision towards our KM journey is to become "Knowledge Based Organisation by 2011".
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