Knowledge Management Education

KM Fundamentals ebook : Knowledge Asset Management book : Apply for MSc in Knowledge Management : Top KM books

At this stage, you may be totally new to Knowledge Management and be glad to start from the beginning and simply 'soak up' anything you can, or you may be familiar with Knowledge Management and keen to improve your understanding further.

This section provides online Knowledge Management education ranging from a free 5 minute video entitled 'We don't share knowledge - we trade it' by David Gurteen, followed by a free 30 minute streamed 'Introduction to Knowledge Management by Ron Young, to details of an e-book 'Knowledge Management Fundamentals, to a leading KM book 'Knowledge Asset Management' to a two year part-time MSc degree in Knowledge Management.

If you are looking for interactive, face to face Knowledge Management education, visit the

Knowledge Academy

Watch a 5 minute video entitled:

'We don't share our knowledge - we trade it' by David Gurteen

Watch an inspiring 2 minute video on knowledge management produced by Lotus, an IBM Company

KM Fundamentals eBook

Read the transcript (slides and text) of a one day KM seminar presented by Ron Young CEO of Knowledge Associates, together with delegate questions and answer session.

KM Fundamentals ebook

Free Introduction to Knowledge Management

Watch a free 38 minute introduction to the fundamentals of Knowledge Management.

Knowledge Asset Management Book

View the Top 10 recommended knowledge management books, as reviewed by our team of KM experts

Top 10 KM books

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