knowledge management books

Top 10 most highly recommended books on knowledge management

This page contains the 'Top 10' most highly recommended knowledge management books and inter-related disciplines, reviewed by our panel of km experts (in no particular order).

1. The Wealth of Knowledge, Intellectual Capital and the Twenty-First Century Organization, Thomas A. Stewart

Probably, one of the best books on understanding the importance of knowledge capital, knowledge assets, and managing knowledge assets

Wealth of Knowledge

2. Learning to Fly: Practical Knowledge Management from Leading and Learning Organizations by Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell

Probably the best book on practical and well-proven KM methods, tools and techniques within BP, including: learning whilst doing, learning after doing, peer assist, After Action Review...

Learning to Fly

3. Working Knowledge by Thomas H. Davenport, Laurence Prusak

Most of the KM practitioners use this book as a reference.Practical issues of how companies can generate and transfer knowledge. A blueprint for competitive advantage.

Working Knowledge

4. The Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation by Ikujiro Nonaka, Hirotaka Takeuchi

A must read, if you want to get grounded in some fundamental theory and excellent cases studies from two KM pioneers who moulded KM as a practice.

Knowledge Creating Company

5. Knowledge Asset Management by Gregoris N. Mentzas, Dimitris Apostolou, Andreas Abecker, Ron Young

Naturally, we are biased as Ron Young is a founder to this website, but please read the industry expert reviews of this remarkable book that documents a 2M euro EC project'Knownet'andthe resultant KM frameworks, processes, methods, tools and technologies.

Knowledge Asset Management

6. Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations by Thomas A. Stewart

This is the book that compels most people to start their KM initiative or start a KM consulting practice! A great primer.

ntellectual Capital

7. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity by Etienne Wenger

If Communities of Practice (COP) are 'the big thing in KM' then this is a must read from 'the COP guru'

Communities of Practice

8. Harvard Business Review on Knowledge Management by Peter Ferdinand Drucker, David Garvin, Dorothy Leonard, Susan Straus, John Seely Brown

Seriously, you must add this to your collection, when you are aware of the fundamentals of KM

Harvard review on KM

9. Knowledge Management: Concepts and Best Practices by Kai Mertins (Editor), Peter Heisig (Editor), Jens Vorbeck (Editor)

We found this a great reference, full of successful and practical case studies for KM practitioners. A special orientation on knowledge management audit, business process oriented knowledge management.

KM Best Practices

10. If Only We Knew What We Know: The Transfer of Internal Knowledge and Best Practice by Carla O'dell, C. Jackson Grayson

Two KM guru's with a great pedigree.

If only we knew

And if you want to better understand the global knowledge economy and effective knowledge working, you simply must read:

What Would Google Do?

A remarkable book with incredible insight and some simply amazing opportunities for us all, within a rapidly growing global knowledge economy

what would google do



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